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  1. Installation procedure
  2. How to run the tool
  3. Demo of the basic features

Installation procedure

You can download Ocarina from https://github.com/OpenAADL/ocarina/releases on your laptop/machine. Ocarina is available for Mac and Linux targets.

The Unix tar xvfz ocarina-2017.1-suite-linux-x86_64-20170204.tgz command run on a Linux station will open the tar.gz file at the location where your want to install ocarina.

How to run the tool

In the sequel, we assume ocarina is installed in your home, in a folder called ocarina-2017. To launch the tool, update your shell PATH variable to point to the bin folder of ocarina, and then ocarina can be called as any shell command, as shown above where ocarina is called with -v option to show its version number.

Note that ocarina may produce source code from an AADL mode for you. Such source code can be models to be run with analaysis tools, but also C or Ada source code to be complied and run on a target, such as Linux, RTEMS, ... In that case, we assume you also have installed the needed tools, i.e. compilers, emulators, analysis tools.

In the sequel, we will show you how to generate C code for a Linux target and then, we assume that we have installed a C compiler.

Demo of the basic features

The objective of this demo is to discover the use of the tool.
  1. Download the files from there and save them in a specific folder. The function of each of this file is:

  2. Now, call ocarina as follow:
    ocarina -x scenario.aadl
  3. This calls ocarina with any parameter values expressed in scenario.aadl. In this example, Ocarina will produce the C source code in a folder called root_impl.
  4. Move to the root_impl folder and compile the generated code with:
    This will produce an executable called node_a in the folder root_impl/node_a
  5. Now you can launch and test the node_a executable on your Linux station and see the expected output on the screen.
  6. From the AADL model, Ocarina produces various elements in C to run the program with an middleware called PolyORB-HI. In the root_impl/node_a folder, open the files activity.h, activity.c, deployment.h and deployement.c . Can you explain the function of the elements generated in these files?
  7. Remove "with Deployment;" and "Deployment::Execution_Platform=>native" from processor type cpu, and then call Ocarinas as follow:
    ocarina -aadlv2 -g cheddar tictac.aadl
    It generated Cheddar model from the tictac AADL.

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