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  1. System to model and assumptions
  2. Typical solution
  3. Possible analysis
  4. Case study

System to model and assumptions

Many critical systems are organized as an oriented graph of tasks. It may be the case of control-command systems as shown in the figure above. Control-command systems are in charge to manage a system, which is usually a hardware component. Most of the time, the control-command system observe the behavior of the hardware controled device with sensors, analyse the current status of the controled device, and then sends command to adapt its behavoir in order to achieve a given goal. Commands are sended by the actuators.

The computing part of a control-command system may be complex and sometimes distributed, i.e. composed of several computing units connected by network devices. In this kind of computing system, it is also usual to organize the computing software component, i.e. the tasks running the sensing, the analysis and the actuating programs, as a oriented graph. In this recipe, we only focus on the flow of data aspect of tasks composing the control-command system. We assume in this recipe a uniprocessor architecture: distributed aspect is specifically addressed in recipe 7.

Typical solution

Here is a simplified example of this recipe (which can be downloaded here):
PACKAGE dataflow_Pkg

DATA my_data
END my_data;

THREAD a_thread 
  input : IN DATA PORT my_data;
  output : OUT DATA PORT my_data;
END a_thread;

PROCESS my_process
  input : IN DATA PORT my_data;
  output : OUT DATA PORT my_data;
END my_process;

END cpu;

SYSTEM dataflow
END dataflow;

PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION my_process.source_impl       
  T1 : THREAD a_thread
    { Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
      Compute_Execution_Time => 3 ms .. 3 ms;    
      Period => 20 ms; 
      Priority => 30;
      Deadline => 20 ms; };
  C0 : PORT input -> T1.input;
  C1 : PORT T1.output -> output;  
  Timing => immediate applies to C0, C1; 
END my_process.source_impl;

PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION my_process.sink_impl       
  T2 : THREAD a_thread
    { Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
      Compute_Execution_Time => 3 ms .. 3 ms;
      Period => 20 ms; 
      Priority => 10;
      Deadline => 20 ms; };
  T3 : THREAD a_thread
    { Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
      Compute_Execution_Time => 3 ms .. 3 ms;
      Period => 20 ms;
      Priority => 100; 
      Deadline => 20 ms; };
  C0 : PORT input -> T2.input; 
  C1 : PORT T2.output -> T3.input;
  C2 : PORT T3.output -> output;  
  Timing => immediate applies to C0, C1, C2; 
END my_process.sink_impl;

  process1 : PROCESS my_process.source_impl;
  process2 : PROCESS my_process.sink_impl;
  my_platform : PROCESSOR cpu;
  Actual_Processor_Binding => ( reference(my_platform) ) applies to process1;
  Actual_Processor_Binding => ( reference(my_platform) ) applies to process2;
END dataflow.impl;

END dataflow_Pkg;
The graphical representation of this example is:

In this recipe, threads are organized as a graph to implement a flow of data. We assume two processes: a source process sending the messages and a sink process receiving them. The two processes are located on the same processor/computing units. The processes could be located on different processor, which leads to possible communication delays, but it is outside the scope of recipe 3 (see recipe 7 for such purpose).

Threads exchange messages throught data ports. Communication semantics is defined by the semantics of the data port category and the Timing property that refines the data port semantics.

The semantics of communications with data ports is:
  1. Messages are sent at completion time of senders.
  2. Receivers read messages at their dispatch time.
Timing property may have 3 possible values making reference to 3 different protocols. These protocols will imply specific behavior of the thread scheduling and of the data receiving threads may receive. Those protocols are:
  1. sampled. With this protocol, the scheduling of threads is not changed by data port communication. Sending and receiving threads stay independent from a scheduling perspective. When receiving threads read data, they simply read the last written value. Notice that if receiving threads have period smaller than sending threads, this protocol may imply that written data could be never read. Notice also that if receiving threads have period larger than sending threads, this protocol may imply that written data could be read several times. In fact, with a sampling port connection, so semantic on read/written data is enforced.
  2. immediate. With an immediate data port connection, when a sending thread emits a message, it dispatchs immediatly the receiving threads. This procolo may reduce the latency betwenn emission and reception of data. It may also help to not lose messages and to not read twice the same messages. It's main drawback is that it makes scheduling decisions and communications decision dependent.
  3. delayed. With delayed connections, receiver threads are dispatched later than sending threads. A fixed delay is enforced between the dispatch of the receivers and the senders. Assuming that both receiving and sending threads have the same period p, when a sender is dispatched at time k to send its kth message, receivers will be dispached to read message kth at time k+p. As there is a delay between message sending and the dispatching of the receiving threads, delayed connections increase communication latencies, which

With the example of this recipe, we have 3 threads interacting by data ports. Those threads exchanges messages of type my_data. All connections of this example are refined with an immediate Timing properties.

Possible analysis

This recipe can raise two different analysis:
Finally, notice that AADL also brings the concepts of flow, as shown in the following example. The flow concept allows designer to express explicitly flow of data on which the designer expect verification. Flow specification starts with thread types in which one may declare that the component can be part of flow. The main declaration is at the process level: in this example, the flow is declared to cross threads T1, T2 and T3. A deadline of 1 second assigned to the process specift the requirement on the worst case end to end latency, which must be verified as smaller than 1 second.
DATA my_data
END my_data;

	output: out data port my_data;
	f1: flow source output;
	Deadline => 100 ms;
	Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
	Period => 1000 ms;

	input: in data port my_data;
	output: out data port my_data;
	f2: flow path input -> output;
	Deadline => 50 ms;
	Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
	Period => 1000 ms;

	input: in data port my_data;
	f3: flow sink input;
	Deadline => 70 ms;
	Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
	Period => 1000 ms;

PROCESS my_process
END my_process;

PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION my_process.impl       
  T1 : THREAD T1;
  T2 : THREAD T2;
  T3 : THREAD T3;
  C0 : PORT T1.output -> T2.input; 
  C1 : PORT T2.output -> T3.input;
  flow1: end to end flow 
	T1.f1 -> c0 -> T2.f2 -> c1 -> T3.f3;
  Timing => immediate applies to C0, C1;
  Deadline => 1000 ms;
END my_process.impl;
From the flow concept, OSATE and AADLInspector are able to compute such end to end latency. Below is a AADLInspector model showing end to end latency for an other example for this recipe:
SYSTEM my_system
END my_system;

  Sensors : SYSTEM Sensors.i;
  Processing : SYSTEM Processing.i;
  Actuators : SYSTEM Actuators.i;
  Communication : BUS CAN;
  mes_cnx : PORT Sensors.measures -> Processing.measures {Timing => Immediate;};
  cmd_cnx : PORT Processing.commands -> Actuators.commands {Timing => Immediate;};
  f1 : END TO END FLOW Sensors.f1 -> mes_cnx -> Processing.f1 -> cmd_cnx -> Actuators.f1;
  f2 : END TO END FLOW Sensors.f2 -> mes_cnx -> Processing.f1 -> cmd_cnx -> Actuators.f1;
  Actual_Connection_Binding => ( reference(Communication) ) applies to mes_cnx, cmd_cnx;
  write('=== list of the elements of flow f1:'), nl, 
  getEndToEndFlow('root','f1',L), printList(L), 
  write('=== latency of all the end to end flows:'), nl, 
END my_system.others;
The end to end latency includes communications delays from data port connection protocols and also worst case execution time of the emmiter and receiver threads, that compete for the processor with the other threads that are not part of the data. Then AADLinspector first compute thread worst case response before putting this timing result in the end to end flow analysis. To actually run the end to end flow analysis, AADLInspector call its LAMP plugin by the annex subclause:
  write('=== list of the elements of flow f1:'), nl, 
  getEndToEndFlow('root','f1',L), printList(L), 
  write('=== latency of all the end to end flows:'), nl, 
which is attached to the root component system. The result of the analysis is shown in this screenshot, in the right part of the window:

The end to end flow latency is about 23 ms for flow f1 and 37 ms for flow f2. Notice that worst case response time here are computing with the Marzhin simulator, but of course it could be computed by any schedulability tools as Cheddar for example.

AADL model files for this example is available here.

Case study

A simple case study, as an example

The figure above presents a software architecture composed of 7 periodic threads organized as a graph. Threads are connected by data ports and their temporal parameters are given there:

Threads Periods Execution time Priorities
T11000 ms200 ms10
T21000 ms200 ms20
T31000 ms200 ms30
T41000 ms100 ms40
T51000 ms100 ms10
T61000 ms500 ms20
T71000 ms400 ms30

  1. Propose an AADL model composed of a process composed of this set of threads. Simulate this model with AADLInspector or OSATE/Cheddar. What can we see?
  2. To solve the issue discovered in the previous question, we propose to split the thread set on two processes. Each process has to be run in a different processor. Propose a new AADL model with two processors and two processes. T1, T2, T3 and T4 will be located on the same process/processor and the rest of the threads on the second processor/process.
  3. Simulate with AADLInspector or OSATE/Cheddar. What can we see now?
  4. Investigate the semantic of the Dispatch_Offset property. Use this property in your AADL model and discover how it change its behavior. Can you explain what is the behavior of this property? How Dispatch_Offset change the worst case latencies on thread communications?

Possible solution/AADL model for this case study here.

Rosace Case Study

This exercise shows how to synchronize dataflows and control flows in a simplified Flight Control System. The exercice is inspired from the Claire Pageti RTAS 2014 article (Pagetti 2014). This figure is also extracted from (Pagetti 2014). We assume the following tasks parameters for this case study:

Tasks Execution times Periods
Engine 100 us5000 us
Aircraft_Dynamics 200 us5000 us
Elevator 100 us5000 us
Elevator 100 us5000 us
H_Filter 100 us10000 us
Vz_control 100 us20000 us
Altitude_Hold 100 us20000 us
Va_Filter 100 us10000 us
Az_Filter 100 us10000 us
Vz_Filter 100 us10000 us
Q_Filter 100 us10000 us
Va_control 100 us20000 us
Monitoring 100 us10000 us

Possible solution/AADL model for this case study here.

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